Friday, November 22, 2013

Apologetics with Kerby Anderson

Hello Readers of this Bog

I just wanted to start this blog with some scripture before getting into talking about my week.

Ephesians 2:4-8 “But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in our transgressions, make us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up with Him, and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that in the ages to come He might show the surpassing riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God.”

Romans 8:1-3 “Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death. For what the Law could not do, weak as it was through the flesh, God did: sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and as an offering for sin, He condemned sin in the flesh,”

Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord”

This week in class we had the privilege of Kerby Anderson coming to teach us Tuesday - Friday. He is from Probe Ministries and does their radio broadcasting shows. He was an incredible speaker and so knowledgeable. He walked us through a ton of information on a variety of subjects.

On Tuesday our three subjects were Truth Decay, Reliability of the Bible, and the Millennial Generation.

On Wednesday our three subjects were Islam, Hinduism-Buddhism, and Mormonism.

On Thursday our three subjects were Media and Worldviews, Is Jesus the Savior, and The New Atheists.

On Friday our two subjects were Intelligent Design and Bioethics.

I enjoyed listening to him talk about each subject and bring to light so many new things about each that sparked everyone to think more about how they will effect us in ministry, or in our future jobs.

I would love to share with you all some highlights from some of the talks that I really enjoyed.
This information is from Kerby Anderson and His PowerPoints that he gave us

Kerby Anderson explained Pre-Modern, Modern, and Post-Modern in this way and it really made since to me

Three Umpires explaining Pre-Modern, Modern, and Post-Modern =

“There’s balls and there’s strikes, and I call ‘em the way they are.”
Pre-modernism – God-centered universe, revelation, truth is absolute.

“There’s balls and there’s strikes, and I call ‘em the way I see ‘em.”
Modernism – Enlightenment, science, truth is relative.

“There’s balls and there’s strikes, and they ain’t nothing until I call them.
Postmodernism – loss of hope for truth, truth is created.

We are living in a Post-Modern culture and by knowing more about what the culture believes about truth then you will be able to minister to the people around you better. He then continued to tell more of how our Post-Modern culture sees truth. He says they see truth as no absolute and that Christian Missionaries are destroying culture because of their push for all to believe in their truth. They believe in Religion Pluralism in that all religions have some truth to them. They are skeptical of people you claim to know the full truth. The biggest word for our culture today is Tolerance. Tolerant for all other believes and okay with others believing different things.

When Kerby Anderson talked about the different religions I particular was interested in the Islam religion. Here are some of the stats that Kerby Anderson gave us
Worldwide - 1.5 billion Muslims (~ 25%)
- Middle East: 380 million
- North Africa: 115 million
- Indonesia, Pakistan & Bangladesh: 550 million
That is a huge number of people.
The definition that Kerby Anderson gave us
Islam (“submission”) is the religion of all who believes that Muhammad was God’s prophet.

The 5 Pillars of Islam are these
• Shahada - repetition of the creed: “There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is His prophet.”
• Salat - prayers
• Zakat - almsgiving
• Sawm - fast of Ramadan
• Hajj - “pilgrimage” to Mecca

He talked more about their culture and the 5 Pillars then expressed ways for us to witness if we encounter people from this culture and belief
1. Show them Jesus in the Qur’an (Sura 3:42-55 and Sura 19:19)
2. Show them they can read the Bible (Sura 10:94, Sura 4:136, Sura 5:65-66)
3. One of the main methods at the first is called the Camel Method in which they ask the Muslim believer to read Sura 3:42-55 and ask them questions about the Jesus it is talking about. Then ask them about paradise and if they would like to live in paradise after death.
4. The key verse in Ephesians 4:8-9 because they believe in good works verses bad works to get you into paradise. So if your good works out weight your bad works then you will go to paradise

When Kerby Anderson talked about Millennial Generation it was very interesting. These will be the parents of the youth we would be ministering to, we need to understand their parenting styles so we can partner with them as we minister to their children. Here is some of the most interesting information about the Millennial Generation.

Born between the years of 1980-2000. (Yes that includes me!!) They are the largest population of 78 Million, yes more than the Baby Boomers who were 76 Million.

They have these Psychographics according to Kerby Anderson
Diverse, most Educated generation, Relational (social media), Hopeful, Pragmatic, Narcissistic (self-absorbed), Uninhabited, Safest generation, and a Secular generation.

They have the name of Helicopter Parents or Snowplow Parents because they want to be involved and make the path of protection and everything perfect for their children. They Hover to make sure everything will be great and okay for their children.

One word to describe this generation is Flexibility. They want a job with flex hours and working conditions. They want their world to revolve around a thought of flexibility in everything they do.

These are just a few of the nuggets of thought that Kerby Anderson shared with us this week. I really enjoyed all he had to talk about and I do feel more prepared to defend my faith with different cultures and religions. I also have an interest to know more about certain aspects of his talks.

I hope you had an amazing week and we are headed to Enid for Thanksgiving Break! Remember it is a time to be thankful for all that we have. God has given you something to be grateful for so thank Him for it. Pray for the people struggling to find that one thing and help them see God’s provision in some way!

Friday, November 15, 2013

The Gospel

Hello family, friends and anyone else that may read this blog!

I am beyond words excited for this post!! I am going to talk about THE GOSPEL.

If that scares anyone I pray that you consider continuing to read but don't by any means feel pushed to read, but I hope that you do. I am going to share my experience with the Gospel and also inform great truths from Matt Chandler about the Gospel. He came and spoke to us this week about the power of the Gospel and how it should still relate to us now as believers and then gave compelling truths of what the Gospel is and how to give the fullness of the Gospel to non-believers. This post may take some time to read because of the truth that is packed into it and the length as well. So with that said, I am going to get right to it.

We as an Institute Class got the awesome opportunity to have Matt Chandler be our teacher this week. His topic was The Gospel. He was with us for three days and it was jammed packed with preaching from the Bible about what the fullness of The Gospel is.

If anyone is reading this and they have absolutely no idea what I am talking about then read this paragraph. The Gospel is the good news, John 3:16-17 and Romans 6:23. The Bible is a book written by the one true God to tell of His creation (us), man’s sin(Fall), calling His people and their history (Israel/Jews), the redemption of mankind through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus, through death on a cross then the resurrection of life after three days (Gospel), and then the spreading of the hope and salvation of sins we can receive from the faith of Jesus through the letters written to explain Christ following living (disciple). That is the very very short version of the Gospel and now you are ready to go more in detail with me rewriting what Matt Chandler taught us this week.

These are the small take a ways I have from the incredible truth revealing 9 hours of Matt speaking. This by no means is everything that he talked about but what I would like to share with you these things because they have affected me in some way.

Matt Chandler took two approaches/views to teaching us about the Gospel.
1. A view that was up close and he related it to like a walk in the park.
= God - Man - Christ - Response
2. A view that was further back and he related it to being in the air looking at a town
= Creation - Fall - Reconciliation - Consummation
So now I am going to go back to the first viewpoint of the Gospel. It was so much fun to listen to Matt share about the fullness of God. I didn’t realize how unaware I was of the fullness of who God is. He took us to the passage of Romans 11:33-36 and walked verse by verse about the character of God.

BUT before he did this I was blown away by this truth - God Likes Us. I understand that God Loves Me and that is why He sent His Son to be the Savior for my sins and I was taught the song - Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so…Yes Jesus Love me and so on But I thought I had to be good, I thought I was becoming that person God and Jesus would love one day. The sanctification process is us going through refinement to be more like Christ and we don’t understand that during that time we are still liked and loved by God because of who Christ is Ephesians 2:1-10. God likes us now and wants a relationship with who we are now. The Gospel is not us cleaning our self up and then telling God we are good enough, because of what we did, for Him to save us. NO, we are liked now.

Okay back to God and Romans 11:33-36. Matt walked us through and I loved it but don’t have enough time or space or length for your attention span to write about all the verses in detail. So, because of that I will rewrite the truth that hit home the most for me when Matt spoke about God. God is for God. Okay, I did know this but not the fullness of it what so ever. God is for God. Wow, even with me writing it right now I am amazed by those three words and four-word phrase. God is for God. Psalm 23:1-3 “…For His name’s sake.” 1 Corinthians 10:31 “…do all for the glory of God.” And once I start to wrap my small brain around this truth I begin to see how it affects me.
1. Glad obedience to the Lord - this is because He doesn’t take things away from me rather He is leading me to the fullness of pleasure. If I know my boundaries of pleasure that are ones that give fullness than I will enjoy them - the boundaries push me to seek God and His Glory. That is when I have true obedience and pleasure in life.
2. I get over myself. I am such a selfish being. All humans are it is the sin that is in us to get what we want, when we want it and through any means to get it by. This is a frustrating process because you automatically wake up expecting the day to be about you in some way. This hit me so hard as a type A personality who literally plans my full day out. When I understand that God is for God and the fullness of that I see how I am so selfish and insufficient outside of God’s will and it leads me to die to self. This is then when I start to understand that freedom in life is through God being for God. It isn’t about me it is about God.

From there we talked about man. Matt took us to Romans 1:21-32 and walked verse by verse through this passage to explain the sinfulness of man and the outcome for it and the response that God has for it. Matt explained how through these verses we understand 3 very important aspects of man’s character.
1. We prefer the creation over the Creator.
2. We believe we are smarter than God and in essence believe we are better than God.
3. We fail to acknowledge God as the giver of all things.
Also Matt explained how God response was letting men decide for themselves what is right even though He wanted them to seek Him. And our rejection of God lead to the men and women removing Him from their lives, and falling into some deep sin. Homosexuality, Murder, Malice, Arrogance, Disobedience to Parents, Untrustworthy and others. All together man is sinful and each of us have sins that display the three points up above and ultimately we are separated from God because of our choice to seek freedom and satisfaction else where from God. Our sin separates and fractures the relationship God desires with us.

Because of our sin God has two different responses that we can choose from for our personal lives and how we want to be punished for our sin. Remember God is for God so because we as sinners have defiled His name there is punishment for that act of defiance.
(This order is not significant and don’t look into it further than me just talking about one and then the other, both are important to understand God better)
1. Hell
2. Christ
Hell, is the total reject of God. Luke 16:19-31. Hell will not be a fun place Matthew 18:8-9 and there are two ways to view Hell as Matt taught us. Internal Torment and The Degree that God Sees Sin as Offensive to Him. Hell is the absence of God and we know this from the beginning of this post that God is everything Romans 11:33-36.

Christ Jesus
• Jesus is the Son of God = Matthew 1:21-23, Mark 1:1, Luke 1:34-35 & 3:22, John 1:1
• Jesus is the Son of man = Matthew 1:1, Luke 1:31-32, John 1:14
• Jesus is a gift of grace from God = Romans 6:23 & John 3:16-17 & Ephesians 2:4-8 & Romans 3:21-26
• Jesus is perfect = Hebrews 4:15 & 1 John 3:5
• Jesus is the sacrifice of our sin = Romans 8:1-3 & 1 John 4:9-10 & 1 John 2:2 & Ephesians 5:2 & Romans 3:21-26
• Jesus is our way of salvation through faith alone = Colossians 1:19-23 & Philippians 3:7-12 & Hebrew 5:9 & Romans 3:28
• Jesus is our righteousness = Romans 5:18-21 & Philippians 3:7-12

Okay, That is so awesome!!!! I love that we are given as a gift - salvation from the punishment of our sins. WOW!! I don’t do anything physical for it and I don’t have to act a certain way, all I am called to do is have Faith in who Christ Jesus is. That is it - Galatians 2:16.
This faith is the very thing we do to die to our sinful character. Remember we as sinners prefer creation over the Creator, think we are smarter than God hence better and hence don’t need Him in our lives, and we fail to acknowledge Him as the giver of all things. In short, SELFISH and PRIDEFULL and NEARSIGHTED and ARROGENT and ________ (Insert your sin that makes you rule and not God, for me it is CONTROLING.) So Faith is us contradicting our sinful character and allowing Christ to be the bridge to bring our relationship right again with God. With Jesus we experience true freedom.

This is so powerful and I hope you understand a little better the power or that an aspect of the Gospel has resonated in your heart to exam more in your own personal walk with the Lord or make this now apart of your life for the first time.

I want to tell of the great new of Jesus Christ our Redeemer, our Savior, our Righteousness, our Sacrifice, and our Gift from God. Matthew 28:19 “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” Telling the Gospel even to believers is needed. We so easily forget what it is we are doing with our lives. We start to fall into making it about us, so being reminded of the Gospel is an essential part of being a disciple of Jesus Christ.

I now need to make sure my grader knows my answers for the assignment question for this week.
What are three things that I think someone needs to know about salvation?
1. God likes us
2. God is for God
3. Faith alone in Christ is the redemption of all sin

I talked about these three things throughout the blog post and it is bolded and under it is more information of why I think it is important to know.

Thank you for reading if you did and I hope and pray that God spoke to you, not any of my words written. Don’t be afraid to ask God to reveal areas in your life that you are not living in faith and rather in sin. It is a humbling experience.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Wow is the only way to describe it!

I am sorry I haven't posted in a long time! I don't have any other excuses other than = WOW have I learned a lot and been jam packed with preparing for my huge project - that is due to day by the way!! I am going to present an Overview of the Bible in 30 minutes. (that is not a lot of time at all) I am beyond excited to present what I have worked so hard on. I still have things I know I want to change and add to it but for today I will give what I have done and do it to the best of my ability. I am nervous but still excited. I am taking a break from practicing it to write this post. I actually have an assignment due in a blog reflection that is due by monday. I have time right now and wanted my mind off the project for a moment to relax.

Last Friday I had my student speech - every friday we have student speeches over a passage of scripture that we are going over in our precepts of Abraham. It was my friday to present and my scripture was Galatians 3:10-14. It was a lot of fun to research this passage more in-depth and prepare a 15 minute talk to an audience of our choice. I choose to talk to High School Aged Believers - so like at a K-Life. My main point to hit home in these verses was Jesus as our Redeemer. I gave the illustration of locking my keys in my car like I always do and said I needed a redeemer and went from there to talk more about the text, The Law, Faith, Jesus our Redeemer and tying them all together.

The weekend consisted of all hours working on Bible Overview Outline. I did take the evenings to spend with people. I went to Dana's BBQ for dinner on Friday, Saturday was with my host home, and Sunday lunch was with The Wades - newly married friends here at The Institute.

Monday was a regular scheduled day with precepts and a lifeline statement (Homosexuality) and then a teacher in the afternoon. This weeks subject was Marriage and Family.

Our teacher on Monday afternoon, talked about Emotional Intelligence and how that relates to the work place and marriage and family. He was really funny and we had a great time with all the information that he gave us.

Tuesday and Wednesday we had Keith Chancey and Chad Hampsch alternate back and forth and talk about different aspects of a relationship specifically marriage

My assignment is to reflect on what they talked about. Since I am already married I will not be reflecting on what I learned that was new, because I just went through what they talked about this past summer and I have been married for over a year. So I will be reflecting on three points that just hit home again while listening to them speak

1. In conflict be specific to the issue and attack the problem not the person
This is a communication skill and ultimately communication is key to having a health relationship. Communication allows for intimacy through hearing the heart and emotions of your spouse. Good communication takes away unmet expectations because you are communicated and for spoken expectations to be met. Communication allows for respect and love to be in harmony

2. In resolving conflict you ultimate goal is not to be right but to have a WIN-WIN. This is by both parties leaving the conflict and having a part of the outcome or being reconciled or others in which gives a WIN for the relationship as a whole (each spouse) and not just an individual win which is hurtful and breaks trust for the other individual.

3. For Dan and I to cultivate a family dynamic that we want to see we must have a plan to do so. If we don't then we will revert to be like our parents or do the extreme opposite. Along with this we need a purpose in why we want our family dynamic to exemplify that.

Now I have three goals to write out to implement in my marriage or future family.
1. Communication and venerability in that communication a greater focuses to bring us closer together emotional, spiritually, and mentally and this will lead to greater intimacy

2. Start talking about our family purpose and want to set that up for success. A goal to have a purpose in the near future and other goals of how to have that happen

3. Prayer for my husband more often and with greater purpose. I want to be a better wife in this area and I know that it will beyond beneficial for our marriage.

Today at 11:10 I will be giving my Bible Overview Project and I am still so excited but getting a little more nervous. I am more excited of how I will use what I have done in relating the Bible to teach music and I have a desire to do this in our home one day.

Be encouraged today to reflect on your marriage or family and are you still striving to make your purpose happen throughout the full of it. Is your communication true or are you letting that area slip through the cracks? Have a great day reflecting on how God is evident in your marriage and family.